Saturday, December 30, 2006

One Hell of a Morning

Sooo finally the snow has stopped at least temporarily but there is talk that it will start again tonight, so I decided that I would make a trip out to feed the million dollar fishes and the not so expensive fishes. No problem, I thought, the road had been ploughed (one side anyway) and there was no one else around - it was about 9:30 a.m. Heated up the car and off I went. No problems getting to the Cross loft where I feed the fishes and left. On to office to feed the not so expensive fish - road still very clear - no traffic - rather snowpacked but drivable when I come to the entrance of the parking lot to the office. I look at it think I can make it then in a split second knew I could not and came to a dead halt half in and half out of the entrance - I had highcentered myself. Hard to do when you consider I drive a Ford Escape. With an awful sick feeling in my stomach I gunned the car both forward and back and yes you guessed it dug it in even deeper. Now when stuff like this happens to me all my fears come over me in a wave so all by myself in the parking lot with no-one around I went into this little stamping foot rage about how I hated this place, hated my car, hated the fish, hated the snow all of which I described using the f**k word in great abundance. I tried to call Carrie and ask if Keven could come get me and left her a sobbing message basically describing all of the above - could not get her so went into work, found a snow shovel and started shoveling all the while muttering under my breath about how God hates me. An old gentleman probably in his 70s walking through the parking lot came up to me to tell me I was stuck.... luckily I had put the snow shovel down - I agreed with him and he left. I dug out some snow, put mats under the tires and tried and tried again to get out. Nothing happened except a smell of burning. By this time my hysteria had practically taken over and I was now ranting at God about how He had abandoned me and He hated me and was never there for me. I was quite hot at this time as well, probably the shouting when out of the blue a truck drew up next to me and two gentlemen got out of the car one man about my age and the other his aged Pa I think, this guy was 75 if he was a day, came up, looked at what I had done told me to get in the car and they would push me out, the previous old gentleman popped up again from I know not where and all three of them had a go. It took a couple of pushes and I was out. Neither of the old gentlemen died - a thing I was rather concerned about - I thanked them profusely, listened to a lecture on why I should have sand in my car and everyone left including me. Called Carrie to let her know I was out and Kevin did not need to show up, many thanks anyway.

So I learned a couple of things today. God does listen to my prayers. My friends are there for me - Kevin had got permission to leave work even though he would have had to take an hour sick leave to come get me and he was prepared to do so and when my instinct is telling me something listen to it i.e. not trying to drive through too much snow I should listen. I am now home, back killing me, eating pizza, feeling that life is not really that bad.

Hope everyone had a great day, God bless and Happy New Year if I dont talk to you before then.

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