Thursday, January 04, 2007

Thursday Morning

Well 3 days into the food plan and surprising benefits already. Learning to eat slowly and savor every bite has reduced the awful bloated feeling I would get after every meal. Also not eating after 7:30 pm has been the biggest surprise. I did not realise how much I would nibble on food from about an hour after dinner until I went to bed. Consequently had heartburn most nights. Not when I stop eating before 7:30... who would have thunk it.

Having to face some unpleasant issues as regards buying a little property. Looks as if my credit which was always shaky is still not good enough to get what I want and I am really tired of settling for second best. I have a plan in place for improving my credit but it is taking more time than I want it to, wah!!!! Anyhoo, if I cant get what I want at this moment I need to see its a case of "not know" not "not ever" - I have noticed that as I have gotten older that I am more pessimistic which is sad I used to be able to bounce back in no time.

Sammy the dog who was staying with us for a few days has returned to his owner. They were a strange combination to watch Sammy and Alex. Alex is the "Tigger" of dogs and literally bounces his way around while Sammy was much more reserved and kept looking at Alex in complete disdain until the night before he left when he suddenly started chasing around a bone, throwing it up in the air, running around in circles, very strange. Alex looked as if he could not believe his eyes. Very funny to watch.

Roads still irritatingly awful. It is going to take at least another week possibly more to get the snow to melt and at the moment there are deep ruts where snow melts during the day and freezes at night - hate it. Still dont have much to complain about when whole towns on the eastern plains of Colorado are in real trouble and they are having to airlift food to the cattle so that they can stay alive.


Emrys said...

I know your frustrated about the house thing right now, but you really need to get past it and stay patient. You'll get it eventually. No rush. Stop acting like you going to fall over and die tomorrow. So dramatic I swear. lol : )

Pauline said...

Me, dramatic, you jest....

Anonymous said...

everything will happen in the time its supposed to. don't worry. you'll get a house. and right when and where you're supposed to.